
Here are a collection of projects I work on.

Professional Work

Here’s a list of my current and past work experience.


I am a programming member of the PolySat team at Cal Poly. I work on various projects such as system boards and server management for CubeSat projects.

Wilson Creek Communications

I was a Network Engineer for Wilson Creek Communications in Atascadero. Wilson Creek specializes in rural internet connectivity through Wi-Fi technology. There, I managed backend servers supporting the network, website, and more as well as getting out in the field to service Access Points and customer equipment.

LifeGuard CPR and Aquatics

I am the webmaster for LifeGuard CPR and Aquatics, a local Red Cross Certified Safety Trainer. The website is completely designed with Wordpress and features a payment gateway for registering for local lifeguarding classes.

FRC Team 973: The Greybots

I am an alumni programmer of Atascadero High School’s premier robotics team, Team 973 The Greybots. Here are some of the projects I work on for the team…

Greybots Signin

Greybots Signin is a custom-built clock in/clock out system for tracking student attendance at robotics meets. It is a webapp that uses Google Sheets to store student data.


GreyDash is a custom-built dashboard for debugging, camera viewing, streaming data to and from the robot, and much more. It features Smoothie Charts, a JavaScript graphing utility which makes it extremely useful for tuning closed-loop PID systems that we use for automated movements.

2018 Robot Code

Our 2018 Robot: Havoc was a quarterfinalist at the Houston World Championship. I programmed the Drive Subsystem code that controls the drivetrain of the robot.

2019 Robot Code

Our 2019 Robot: Fireball was the Houston World Championship Winner, as well as a two time winner of the Autonomous Programming Award. I programmed and tuned many parts of the robot, but mostly taught new programming students C++.

Miscellaneous DIY Projects

Here are a few of my DIY projects I have worked on…


I run a homelab from my house in SLO to serve gigabit internet to my roommates, run home automation, host personal web servers, and to experiment with Active Directory and other industry applications. Pictures and diagrams to come.

Family NAS

I built a custom 6TB NAS for my house that runs 24/7 to backup all the computers my family owns. It runs on TrueNAS and hardware specs can be found here.

Personal PC

I built my personal desktop for programming in addition to gaming. Full hardware specs can be found here.


ChickenDoor is a Arduino and Python GPIO application that runs on an Arduino in conjunction with a Raspberry Pi for opening and closing a motorized chicken coop door on a certain schedule. It is controlled using a web interface hosted on the RPi which communicates commands to the Arduino over I2C.